Category Archives: Interaction

The Etymology of Function

I’ve been thinking a lot about where things come from. In the past inspiration came only in the form of people and culture. Today with the world changing so fast, inspiration can come from a million different places. One space that is often ignored by business and brands is function.

I break that down in this little piece of analysis. It’s a theme that I’ve been exploring for some time.

From Text to Touch to Talk

I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of interactions. Creativity is often seen only through the lens of content. The funny video, the interesting graphic, a joke. It’s what people see, and have a human visceral reaction towards. Content is very important but the way we interact with that content is that subtle layer that is equally as critical. I recently wrote an article on shifting interaction trends as it pertains to verbal cues.

I know there’s been a lot written about the way we interact with home appliances. This article is more about shifting interaction models when verbal cues are introduced. How will our lives change when talking to your xBox becomes a ubiquitous act.